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Talk therapy relies heavily on the brain's cognitive understanding to process it’s experiences through language. Brainspotting targets engaging the “deep brain” and it’s unconscious processes. Brainspotting attempts to reprocess negative emotions by focusing on your body based sensations rather than your thoughts. 

Brainspotting (BSP) locates points in your visual field that help to access unprocessed trauma in the subcortical brain. Talk therapy relies heavily on the brain’s cognitive understanding to process its experiences through language. Brainspotting targets engaging the “deep brain” and it’s unconscious processes. Brainspotting is particularly effective with trauma-based situations, helping to identify and heal underlying trauma that contributes to anxiety, depression and other behavioral conditions. It can also be used with performance and creativity enhancement. Brainspotting gives the therapist access to both brain and body processes. Its goal is to bypass the conscious, neocortical thinking to access the deeper, subcortical emotional and body-based parts of the brain.

Brainspotting allows for you to guide yourself through your own subconscious.  You choose what issue you’d like to start with. Then, you explore in and around it with only light guidance by your therapist. This method uses fixated, steady eye positions.

Some skills learned in BSP might include:

  • Overcoming fears of vulnerability

  • Embracing change to thoughts and feelings

  • Becoming more self-aware and confident

  • Familiarity with the power of emotional release

  • Becoming mindful of how you hold stress in your body

Brainspotting: Service
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